ParentSquare Launches at Schoharie

Schoharie CSD is using a school-to-home communication application called ParentSquare. This communications platform is designed to keep family and community members informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with our school.  ParentSquare provides a centralized location for many types of communication between your family and the school. In particular, ParentSquare provides a safe way for …

Accountability Designation Released for Schoharie

Each year, the New York State Education Department releases accountability designations for all public school districts as required under the state’s Every Student Succeeds Act plan. Schools are held accountable for several indicators, including academic performance, English language proficiency, and absenteeism. High schools are also held accountable for graduation rates. These measures are evaluated at …

High School Junior Attends Malaria Workshop

Schoharie High School Junior Kyleigh Rockwell was one of 140 top high-school students who attended the Albany College of Pharmacy Future of Healthcare Workshop.  The students started the day with a case study involving the infectious disease malaria and then dispersed across campus into groups led by ACPHS faculty to address the problem from the …

Schoharie Valley FFA Wraps Up Successful District 2 Competition

Thank you to all of you who helped Schoharie CSD host the NYSFFA District 2 Competitions over the weekend, we could not have done this without the 60+ judges and volunteers! Not only did our Schoharie Valley FFA students knock it out of the park with helping coordinate all of the contests, they did great …

Schoharie Students Make All-County Festival Appearance

SCS music students participated in this year’s Schoharie County Music Educators Association Winter All-County Festival. Students were selected based on their music and leadership skills and with a teacher’s recommendation. The musicians came together to rehearse and perform alongside other student musicians from Berne-Knox-Westerlo, Sharon Springs, Middleburgh, Duanesburg and Cobleskill-Richmondville school districts. On Saturday, February …

Schoharie Students Shine at Choral Festival

Ten Schoharie students were selected to participate in the Albany Pro Musica High School Choral Festival culminating with a performance at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall on Saturday, February 1st. Students from around the Capital Region prepared music under the direction of Elizabeth (Liz) Eschen Cacciola, Director of the Holden Voice Program at Harvard …