National Parks Trip Registration Info

A banner image showing a national park

Registration is open now for students in grades 8-11! Register your student ASAP using the link below to secure their spot! 

Please know, once registered, your student is committing to be an active member of the Environmental Stewards Club. 

Our Tour ID#: 37772601

Link to Website: Schoharie ESC National Parks Trip Website: Register Here!

This website has it all: 

  • This is how you will register 
  • All trip information
    • Recorded Zoom informational meeting 
    • Trip itinerary
    • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Where families will send payment
  • FAQ’s
  • Customer service 
  • Donation drop box 
  • and much more 
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the advisor of the Environmental Stewards Club, Rylie Smith (, with any questions/concerns/clarifications.