Students Spell Their Way to Success

Spelling bee participants stand on stageOn Tuesday, Jan. 14, Schoharie Central Schools held its annual school Spelling Bee competition. As part of the Scripps National Spelling Bee program, 18 top spellers from grades 4-8 competed for a chance to advance to the regional competition in February 2025.

In order to qualify for the competition, each speller finished at the top of their respective classroom Spelling Bees, which were held this fall. The following spellers from each grade level advanced to compete:

Grade 4:
Caleb Glover
Chase Keller
Matthew Robert

Grade 5:
Hunter Glass
Georgia Hanson
Abigail Stewart
Amyah Warren

Grade 6:
Teddy Bruno
Leah Seamster
Sylas Lediuzet
Bailey Salomon

Grade 7:
Kierra Peckham
Gabriel Ringuette
Max Rosenthal
Charlotte Stein

Grade 8:
Tyler Dingee
Kieran Florussen
Sophie Lynch

After an intense 26 round contest, 7th grader Gabriel Ringuette won his first schoolwide competition by correctly spelling wreckage as his championship word. The second place winner was 8th grader Kieran Florussen, followed by 5th grader Amyah Warren in third place. Congratulations to these excellent spellers on a fantastic
competition, and best of luck to Gabriel as he now advances to the regionals.

Today’s event was hosted by the SCS High School Student Government, and prizes were funded by the Schoharie EPTSO.

Great job everyone!

Three students stand