National & NYS Elks Scholarships

Elks National Foundation Scholarships

The Elks National Foundation (ENF) offers scholarships including the Most Valuable Student (application deadline Nov. 15, 2018) and Legacy Awards (deadline Feb. 1, 2019). Visit their website at to learn more.

New York State Elks Association Scholarships

The New York State Elks Association (NYSEA) offers a $1,000 per year scholarship competition to New York state high school seniors and undergraduate students who are eligible. The details and forms are available on their website at along with national awards links. Esperance Elks Lodge #2507 currently has five scholars receiving the scholarship.

High school seniors entering the NYSEA scholarship contest must first apply for the Most Valuable Student national scholarship and then attach the NYSEA cover letter to a copy of the MVS application to apply. The application must be filed at the Esperance Elks Lodge on or before Nov. 15, 2018. MVS application link:
Cover page link:

The NYSEA application for undergraduate college students applying for the NYSEA scholarship award for the first time is open to current freshman, sophomore or juniors who can apply for the scholarship. They are competing alongside high school seniors, but as long as they are an undergraduate, they can apply. The application must include both the cover letter and the application. The application must be filed at the Esperance Lodge on or before Nov. 15, 2018 for Lodge Endorsement.
Cover letter link:
Application link: