2024-25 School Year
Kindergarten Supply List
- 24 Crayola crayons
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pack of white card stock
- 1 wide ruled composition notebook
- 2 Plastic folder
- 1 white binder – 1 inch
- Hard plastic pencil box
- 12 Ticonderoga pencils
- 6 glue sticks
- 1 jar of play dough
- Package of black EXPO markers
- 2 box of tissues
*Please contact the principal at 518-295-6651 for financial assistance if needed.
First Grade Supply List
Note: We have tables, not desks, so supplies will be shared
- Heavy-duty plastic two pocket folders with prongs – 1 blue, 1 red
- 24 pencils, preferably Ticonderoga because they last longer
- 2 packs of 24 crayons
- 1 pack of 4 black dry erase markers
- 2-3 big pink erasers (block type not pencil cap)
- 3 large traditional, unscented glue sticks
- Tissues (at least 2 boxes)
- One pair of headphones
* Supplies might need to be replenished as needed.
*Please contact the principal at 518-295-6651 for financial assistance if needed.
Second Grade Supply List
- 1 box of tissues
- sneakers for gym days
- Ticonderoga pencils (2 dozen)
- erasers – pencil top only
- 2 highlighters (different colors)
- 1 box of crayons (24 pack)
- 3 hard cover marble composition notebooks (wide-ruled NOT college-ruled)
- 3 expo markers and eraser
- 2 packs of post-it notes
- 2 PLASTIC heavy duty folders for class work and take-home work (please label with name)
- 1 pencil pouch/ case (please label with name)
- 1” binder (please label with name)
- one pair of headphones (please label with name)
*Materials will be communal – no need to label everything with your child’s name.
*Please refill supplies throughout the year.
*Please contact the principal at 518-295-6651 for financial assistance if needed.
Third Grade Supply List
- 3 marble notebooks
- 2 pocket folders
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 1 package of loose leaf paper
- Pencils and eraser caps (to be replaced as needed) *NOTE: plastic wrapped/coated pencils cannot be used in school pencil sharpeners*
- 1 box of crayons
- 2 Highlighters
- Package of Dry Erase Markers and eraser
- Scissors
- Pack of Glue Sticks
- Pencil Pouch/Box
- One pair of headphones
- Sticky Notes
- Pack of index cards
- Ziploc bags quart or gallon
*Please contact the principal at 518-295-6651 for financial assistance if needed.
Fourth Grade Supply List
- 6 pocket folders (1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 2 of your choice) – They MUST be 3 hole punched with bottom pockets only (must be able to be put into the rings of the 3 ringed binder) ** No prongs!
- One – 1 1/2” binder
- One 200 count package of wide-ruled notebook paper
- 1 box of sharpened colored pencils
- 2 dozen sharpened # 2 pencils
- 1 package of 4 EXPO markers
- Erasers (one large, or multiple cap erasers)
- Pencil BAG with 3 holes to go in the three-ring binder (no pencil boxes)
- 2 highlighters – any color
- 2 large boxes of tissues
- 1 pair of headphones
- 1 marble composition notebook
*Please do not bring in large Trapper Keepers or zippered binders. They will not fit in desks.
*Please contact the principal at 518-295-6651 for financial assistance if needed.
Fifth Grade Supply List
- One plastic folder (any color; for home/school)
- One plastic folder (Science/Social Studies)
- One 1” binder (Math)
- Two marble composition books (Reading & Writing)
- Pencils and eraser caps (to be replaced as needed) *NOTE: plastic wrapped/coated pencils cannot be used in school pencil sharpeners*
- One pencil pouch or box to hold all supplies
- Two black Sharpie markers
- Two packages of wide ruled loose-leaf paper (maybe more later in the year)
- Four dry erase markers
- One box of tissues (school does not provide tissues)
- One highlighter (any color)
- One pair of headphones
- One container of disinfectant wipes
*Please contact the principal at 518-295-6651 for financial assistance if needed.