Accountability Designation Released for Schoharie

Each year, the New York State Education Department releases accountability designations for all public school districts as required under the state’s Every Student Succeeds Act plan.

Schools are held accountable for several indicators, including academic performance, English language proficiency, and absenteeism. High schools are also held accountable for graduation rates. These measures are evaluated at the school-wide level and also among sub-groups, such as by racial identity, disability, and income level. 

NYSED has released accountability designations that show Schoharie Central School District as a Target District with focused support at the middle school level for special education. With this designation, our district will be eligible for a host of support and resources from the state to enhance learning, provide professional development, and promote student growth. 

While the state’s determination became official this month, the district has already put in place a number of initiatives to address areas of improvement identified by the state. We will communicate updates related to this process as they become available.