Code of Conduct for Athletes

Athletic Code of Conduct, Print Friendly, with Signature Section


It is the intent of the Schoharie Central School District to provide a wellrounded, educational experience for its students. Interscholastic athletics are a major part of the educational process. The combination of academics and athletics enhances the quality of our students daily lives. However, the Districts primary focus will always remain academics.


Students who are representing the Schoharie Central School District in interscholastic athletics should realize that they have an obligation to themselves, their teammates, and the school community to strive for

excellence. It is hoped that participation in our interscholastic athletic program will enable these students to value their learning experience, to develop self control, to exercise mature behavior and judgment, and establish a sense of pride in themselves, their school, and their community.
Participation in our interscholastic athletic program demands a commitment that definitely involves sacrifice and dedication. Respect for ones health and physical development must be an integral part of daily living.

The following rules are set forth to help all participants properly condition themselves mentally and physically in order to perform well in the classroom and in athletics. In the case of a merged team, the athlete will be expected to abide by the same Schoharie rules as a nonmerged team athlete. The other school in the merger may have rules above and beyond Schoharies that the athlete will be expected to follow also.

The Code of Conduct is in effect during the athletic season in which the athlete is participating. The season is defined as beginning with the first day of practice set by Section 2 and the Western Athletic Conference and ending with the last contest in that sport which includes postseason play. There are circumstances in which an out of season violation could have impact on an athletes eligibility. See section, Use of alcohol/drugs/tobacco and vaping.
An athlete and his/her parent/guardian will sign the Code of Conduct at the beginning of the athletes sports season. If the athlete signed an athletic code in a previous season, but failed to sign one for the current season, the code is still in effect. An administrative oversight does not void the code. It is assumed that the athlete understands and agrees to the terms of the code even though the athlete did not sign a new one.


Academic achievement is the primary focus of the Schoharie Central School District. Students will be encouraged to maintain and improve academic performance during the entire school year. Being ineligible means the student will lose pass privileges and be unable to participate in after school activities except for those in which they are earning class credit. At the end of the previous school year, the high school office issues an Academic Ineligibility List.
Students are notified via mail during the summer if they are on the list.
  • Students failing one course remain eligible for the entire five-week period but are encouraged to coordinate with the teacher of that course to improve their grade.  

  • If a student fails two classes on the five-week report or the report card, they are ineligible for all extracurricular activities (including practices) for at least one week. A letter will also be sent home indicating that the student is failing two courses at this time. 1. Students are required to meet with the teacher(s) of the courses they are failing to develop a plan to get back on track. 2. If they develop a plan and make a “good faith effort” to implement that plan, after the first week students will be eligible for extracurricular activities. 3. Students are required to maintain the tracking sheet for their plan and return it with signatures to the Guidance Office every Friday to maintain their eligibility for the remainder of that 5 week reporting period. If the good faith effort is not met the student will return to ineligible status.
  • If a student fails three or more classes on the five-week report or the report card, they are ineligible for all extracurricular activities (including practices) until the next five week or report card is issued. A letter will also be sent home indicating that the student is failing three or more courses at this time. 1. Students are required to meet with the teacher(s) of the courses they are failing to develop a plan to stay on track. 2. Students will also be assigned a check-in support person to help them implement the plan and get back on track for the following reporting period.
  • For the fall season, if a student failed three or more (3+) classes at the end of the previous school year, they may try out but are ineligible until the first fiveweek report.
  • All students, regardless of academic eligibility, will be permitted to try out for an athletic team. The try out period is considered the first three (3) practices of the season.
  • Students who have incomplete grades at report card time will be given ten school days to complete their missing work. If they are failing at that time, they will be placed on the Academic Ineligibility List accordingly.


School attendance impacts interscholastic activities as well. Therefore, to participate either directly or as a spectator in these events:

1. Students must attend school on the day of an evening athletic contest, match or game.

2. If a students absence has been the result of an appointment which was not possible to schedule at

another time, the students parent should provide a note to this effect upon the students arrival at school.

In such cases, the student may be allowed to participate in the contest, match, or game with the

authorization of the principal.

Tardy Threshold Rule – Students must arrive at school by 9:36 (start of 3rd period) in order to be eligible for that day.  

4. Any requests for variance on these stipulations must be directed to the principal before the activity.


Respect for ones health and physical development must be an integral part of daily living. Health research clearly indicates the harmful effects of using alcohol, drugs and tobacco products. It is the intention of the

Schoharie Central School District to offer athletes the opportunity to make responsible, wellinformed choices based on honesty and integrity as well as to offer help to those students who exhibit a substance abuse problem.

If the consequence cannot be fulfilled because of an occurrence late in the season or due to the fact that the athlete does not complete the season, it will be carried over the next sports season in which the athlete competes. The number of games suspended in the new sports season will be based upon the percent served in the original offense season subtracted from the total percent to be served. Any offense that takes place in the school environment counts as an offense even if it is in between seasons with no game suspension.

When questioning athletes regarding code violations, whenever possible, a third party will be present. This third party will be an administrator or teaching staff member.

A) First Offense Suspension from competing in games for 50% of the scheduled season. (The schedule given by the Western Athletic Conference and the athletic office will be used to determine the number of
games) Suspension will take effect with the first game after the offense and will include nonleague games.

Athletes are expected to practice with their team during this time and should attend contests, but cannot compete in contests. Athletes who are honest and admit their involvement when first questioned will have a reduction in the

penalty to 25% (minimum penalty for first offense is one game). For determining the number of games, if % does not figure out to a whole number (i.e. 1, 2, 4, etc.), then the number of games will be determined by the following method: Up to and including .5 will be rounded down (i.e. 1.4 will be a one game suspension); .51 and up will be rounded up (i.e. 1.6 will be a two game suspension).

If the athlete is a captain, they will lose that position for the remainder of the season.

A meeting between the Principal, Athletic Coordinator, and athlete before returning to competition is mandatory.

Furthermore, the Athletic Coordinator reserves the right to push to the next tier (100% of the scheduled season) if the athlete is dishonest or maintains a negative attitude.

B) Second Offense (with in 12 months of last offense) Suspension from competition in games for 100% of scheduled games. (See first offense for determining number of games and what constitutes a game).

Athletes are expected to practice with the team during this time but cannot compete in games. Athletes who are honest and admit their involvement when first questioned will have a reduction in the penalty to 50%. Mandatory meeting between the Principal, Athletic Coordinator, parent, and athlete before returning is mandatory.

Furthermore, the Athletic Coordinator reserves the right to push to the next tier (suspension from all participation for 12 months) if the athlete is dishonest or maintains a negative attitude.

C) Third Offense (with in 12 months of last offense) Suspension from participation (practice and competition) for 12 months from the date of the offense.

For reinstatement to occur, the athlete must become a participant in a chemical dependency program, treatment program, and/or education/instruction program whichever is deemed necessary.

A formal substance abuse evaluation by the schools counselor or equivalent, agreed to by parent and school, and a followup to evaluation as recommended by the initial evaluation is mandatory. A mandatory meeting between the Principal, Athletic Coordinator, parent, substance abuse counselor, and coach before returning to participation is mandatory.

Athletes will not be eligible for any school sport award at the end of the season. This includes school letter, WAC AllStar recognition in that sport, and any Booster Club sponsored awards.


Athletes are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that reflects positively on their team, school and themselves. If a student has inschool suspension (ISS), then he/she is ineligible for that day. They may attend a practice or contest at the coachs discretion. If a student is outofschool suspended (OSS), then he/she is ineligible and may not attend a practice or contest during the term of the suspension.


Team rules reviewed and approved by the Athletic Coordinator will be given to the athletes by their coaches.


The following guidelines will be in effect starting with the current school year. If the athlete misses a practice/contest for an unexcused reason they will be required to miss one contest, match, or game. All other types of absences from practices and contests will be at the discretion of the coach. Excused absences include but are not limited to personal illness or death in family, religious observance, medical visits, approved college visits, military obligations, and academically related obligations. Schoharie athletes must

understand that commitment to the school team comes first, and outside sports participation should not be detrimental to a individual or Schoharie sports team.

If a student cannot participate in physical education due to a medical reason, they are not allowed to participate in athletics that day.


Equipment and uniforms issued to each athlete must be properly cared for and not abused. It is the responsibility of the athlete to return all equipment and uniforms in good condition to their coach at the end of the season. The athlete must pay for all items not returned in good condition.


Hazing or initiation by athletes is prohibited by the Schoharie Central School District. Violation of this section will result in suspension and/or removal from the team.


The schools physician will administer athletic physical exams yearly. The physical exam is required before an athlete will be allowed in practices, scrimmages, or contests. The school physician has the absolute

authority to determine the capability of the athlete to participate in a particular sport. The athlete must fill out the Health History form and return it to the school nurse before participating in any practices, scrimmages, or contests.

Insurance and Accidents Interscholastic athletics involve the risk of injury to the participants. In case of an injury, coaches and qualified school personnel are authorized to provide firstaid and arrange for emergency treatment they deem necessary. Schoharie Central School District carries a secondary insurance policy for injuries. The parent/guardians insurance will be billed first. The schools insurance may not completely pay all bills. The parent/guardian will be responsible for bills not paid by insurance. It is the responsibility of the

athlete to report all injuries to their coach immediately. The coach will then complete appropriate accident reports and file the report with the school nurse.


The Athletic Coordinator will arrange all transportation to away contest. All athletes are expected to ride to and from away contests with their teams. A coach will accompany the team on all trips and have a complete

travel list. An athlete with a written request signed by their parent may travel from an away contest with a parent or duly appointed designee. Please see the form at the back of this booklet. The School Principal or Athletic Coordinator must sign this request before being given to the coach. Athletes are expected to follow all bus rules. Any violations will result in disciplinary actions. Parents are expected to pick up their children after all practices, scrimmages or games in a timely manner.


In order to promote the fundamentals of good sportsmanship, studentathletes, coaches, and parents will respect each other and the opposing school at all times. This includes all off campus and internet communications. Spectators and/or parents will not interfere with play during practices, scrimmages, or games. Violations of good sportsmanship may, or will, result in removal from the competition in question, in addition to being prohibited from attending the next scheduled competition.

The Consequences set forth in this Athletic Code of Conduct are in addition to any consequences that may be imposed by the Schools Code of Conduct OR ADMINISTRATOR.