Schoharie voters approve budget, capital project

Voters in Schoharie CSD on Tuesday approved a fiscal plan for 2022-23 that lowers the tax levy. They also approved a $25.9 million capital project. A school board election was also held that resulted in all incumbents being re-elected to the board. Terry Burton received 220 votes; Daniel Guasp had 192 votes; and Tara Barton …

We are hiring teachers!

Junior High School Math Teacher The Schoharie Central School District has an anticipated probationary opening for a Junior High Mathematics Teacher beginning on September 1, 2022.  The successful candidate will have strong relationship-building skills, deep knowledge of current teaching best practices, willingness to be a part of a team, and a commitment to equity in …

Blood Drive set for May 20

On Friday, May 20, Key Club and the Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive in the Elementary Gym from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please consider donating to help save lives! Every bit counts!   To schedule an appointment please visit and enter sponsor code: SchoharieCentralHS

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule Announcement

May 5, 2022 Dear Parents and Guardians; This is to inform you that there will be no school on Friday, May 27, and Monday, May 30, 2022. The Friday date has been added to the Memorial Day weekend as an adjustment to the school calendar, due to contractual obligations. It is our hope that your …

Budget Public Hearing Set for Tuesday, May 3

The Schoharie CSD Budget Public Hearing will be on Tuesday, May 3, in the Elementary School Cafeteria during a meeting of the Board of Education. The meeting opens at 6 p.m., and then the board goes into executive session. The meeting will reopen to the public at approximately 7 p.m., at which time the Public …

Summer Enrichment Program Now Taking Current 7th and 8th grade students

Join Schoharie CSD for 6 weeks of epic enrichment and fun in the sun! The program will run between July 5 and August 11, Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. The program, which will be held at Schoharie Elementary, is for any student going into 1st through 9th grade in the fall …

Bike to School Day is set for May

Schoharie Elementary is participating in Bike to School Day on Wednesday, May 4. Please see the registration link and flyer below for more information: Bike to School Flyer 2022    

Sports boosters to host May 12 informational meeting on Capital Project (date and time change)

The Schoharie Sports Booster Club is holding a meeting on Thursday, May 12 at 5:30 p.m. at which Superintendent David Blanchard is expected to review the proposed capital project. The booster club is inviting any interested community members to the meeting to see the presentation. The meeting will be held in the Elementary cafeteria. For …

Four to seek election to three Board of Education seats

On May 17, residents will vote to fill three seats on the Board of Education for three-year terms beginning July 1, 2022. The seats are currently held by Terry Burton, Daniel Guasp and Tara Barton, who are running for re-election. Their terms expire June 30, 2022. The Board is comprised of seven residents who serve …

Proposed Capital Project and Energy Performance Project designed to move the district forward

On Tuesday, May 17, in conjunction with the school budget vote and board election, Schoharie CSD will ask district residents to consider a $25.9 million capital project to make significant renovations to the Elementary School and athletic fields. A separate $2.75 million Energy Performance Project is also up for a vote. The capital project would …