High School Junior Attends Malaria Workshop

A student holds a certificateSchoharie High School Junior Kyleigh Rockwell was one of 140 top high-school students who attended the Albany College of Pharmacy Future of Healthcare Workshop. 

The students started the day with a case study involving the infectious disease malaria and then dispersed across campus into groups led by ACPHS faculty to address the problem from the perspectives of four different disciplines – biomedical sciences, clinical and health sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. At the end of the morning, they reconvened to discuss the possible solutions they had brainstormed.  

Their responses revealed the range of issues to consider and potential approaches to employ when addressing a health matter of major global concern. Some students had considered malaria quite literally at the cellular level; others pondered the societal impacts and obstacles to preventing and treating the disease.

The workshop is designed to help students explore possible career paths in the area of healthcare.

Great job Kyleigh!