Summer Enrichment Update – Week 1

We had a great week 1 at Summer Enrichment! We look forward to sharing the Summer Enrichment Times with you after Weeks 2, 4, and 6. We have had a few updates that we wanted to share with you before then. 

Minekill Pool Swimming Days
We are swapping the pool days for our groups. Starting Week 2, Students in our PreK – Grade 3 classes will be enjoying swim lessons and free swim on Wednesdays. Students in our grades 4-8 classes will be enjoying free swim on Thursdays. We leave shortly after arrival so please send students to the summer program in their bathing suits if possible and they can change out of their suits afterward.  

Water Bottles
Please send a water bottle with your student everyday. We provide juice and milk with breakfast and lunch but it is important in the summer heat for our students to stay hydrated. Please send a water bottle with your student everyday. There are plenty of opportunities for them to refill throughout the day. 

We have been able to accommodate a significant number of changes this week as we all adjust to the schedules.  Please remember if you are making a change to your child’s arrival or dismissal plans that you communicate that to us as soon as possible with a written note or an email to and

Also, a reminder that just like during the school year, students in grades PreK – 3 cannot be let off the bus without a visual on an adult at the residence.  

Cell Phone Policy
The cell phone policy for Summer Enrichment is the same as the school year policy for both the Elementary and the Jr./Sr. High. Students will not be allowed to have their phones out or use them during the summer enrichment program. Students who are not able to follow this policy may be removed from the summer program.